Welcome To My Home Sweet Virtual Home

Hi everybody- Just wanted to take a sec to thank you for following my blog. We know you have your choice of blogs and appreciate your business! (Ha ha- that's my attempt at airline humor) Seriously, Love that you're here: mi blog es su blog. Just be sure to take your shoes off and have at it. AND!!! I love your feedback. How's that?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm back with a bucket of excuses

I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but shortly after I started this blog, I began using an app on my phone to blog on the go.  And I couldn't remember what e-mail account this was attached to, or what the password was.  I didn't have access simply because my mom brain kicked in and finding the information fell pretty far down my to do list.  Since my last update, we have not moved any further in any home repairs to sell this place.  Honestly, we are the laziest dreamers in the world.  I have continually pinned ideas for the next house to Pinterest (my obsession), and sought out neighborhoods and houses for sale on realtor.com (my other obsession).

In August, we went to more birthday parties than you can shake a stick at.  Also learned that shaking sticks at babies is heavily frowned upon in the baby community.  That and the heat. So we didn't tackle  any home improvement because we were hot and busy.

In September, we went on baby L's first road trip to my old stomping grounds in LA, where I realized you really can't go home again- I just felt like a tourist complaining about the road condition, sweating every time I had to get on the Freeway... But it was nice to see some old friends, meet another baby, and catch up on the on-going drama.  Also, most of September was spent at birthday parties, and getting ready for the next vacation.  again, too hot and too busy.

In October, we took a well deserved vacation to Hawaii.  It was a great way to kick off the month long celebration of all things Baby L.  She turned ONE!!!!  With some major mixed emotions from her parents, we held a "luau" in the park where it was supposed to be 82, but ended up 97 degrees.  It was a beautiful and fun party!  The day after she turned one, she began to walk and quickly proceeded to turn our home upside down.  So, again, October=too hot, too busy, too many birthdays, and oh.  Halloween.

In November, I needed a breather from the exhaustion of a vacation and birthdays galore.  But then Thanksgiving came and we had three separate Thanksgiving celebrations.  I made nine pies.  Anyone care to hazard a guess why I am quickly gaining weight?  So, no home improvements in November, unless you count the wafting smell of pumpkin, apple, or salted caramel pie wafting through the air.

December.... Christmas.  Need I say more?  Ok, how about I decided I was going to make Christmas presents this year.  Sound like a good idea?  By the end of December I was getting pretty sick of my excuses.  After all, millions of people have toddlers and can get their houses prepped to sell, AND manage to maintain a life.  So I made a plan, I put all my to-do's on a calendar and entered them into my new iPad (Thanks, Santa Honey!) and made it so Google calendars would alert me whenever I needed to do something... starting January 1st.  2012 was to be the year of fun AND productivity.

That lasted a week.  I injured my back, and have since found out I have arthritis and two bulging disks.  Happy birthday to me!  So January, February, and now half of March had been devoted to recovery.

I'm back now, baby!  And I have a new plan!

All excuses aside, I decided the only way I'm really going to tackle the major laundry list was to enter every room in the house into a bucket drawing and tackle them one by one.  Husband in agreement (mainly because I think I will be doing 90% of the stuff) I drew a name this morning.  First room of the house to get showcased will be.... *draws name out of little yellow bucket*

The Utility Closet!  So tomorrow I should have some kind of update about the condition of the Utility closet.

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