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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Travelling note

This really has nothing to do with home improvement or selling my house or anything like that.  But it has to do with image improvement.  Specifically kids on an airplane.  People prefer the snakes, I think because they are quieter.

So, remember how I said I was a flight attendant?  I take being a good passenger to another level, I'll admit.  I still get out my safety card when told to and watch the demos (even though I can, and still do them in my sleep).  I strictly follow all the rules, from the ticket counter to TSA to boarding, taxi, takeoff, cruise, decent, and deplaning.  I keep my ears open for gate changes.  I arrive at least two hours in advance.  I walk the line.  I pride myself on my abilty to do everything that is expected of me as a passenger.  And do you what I get in return? 

No drama. 

I have never had a problem I couldn't cope with, been compensated adequately for, or was caused by my own neglect.  This is not to say the airlines have never lost my luggage (Honeymoon in Dublin- who needs underwear) or rerouted me through a different city (Pittsburgh is close enough to Philadelphia, right?).  What I'm saying is I never allow their failures or mine to wreck my good time.  That being said, now that I have a child, I'm a little extra vigilant.  One of the things I come prepared for is the ever present noise situation.  I bring enough snacks, toys, activities, books, and videos loaded on both my iPad and my iPhone to keep an Airbus load of babies occupied.  But when that fails, I bring a little something for the passengers around me.  For someone who is truly being put out, (And when I say truly, I mean my daughter has not stopped kicking the seat since we closed the door- this, by the way, has not happened, nor do I ever imagine allowing this to occur) I will buy them lunch or a drink.

If you are thinking of traveling, and you have children, I would like to suggest this little idea.  It is hard for people to be mad at you with this.  It tells them, that you are aware of the problem and you are trying to deal with it.  Honestly, I have never seen anyone fuss after receiving one of these.

These couldn't be any easier to put together.  Some candy, earplugs, and a little apology note.

If you are a person who actively tries to distract your child from crying, and give out something like this, and someone STILL complains?  I'd say you have a right to tell them off with a hearty one finger salute.  It is a billion times worse for you than it is for them and kids will be kids.  Try as you might, it is sometimes something they just have to do, and my daughter (who is actually an awesome little traveller) is no different- she has no volume control, and talks at the top of her lungs. 

Do the best you can, and screw the rest.  Hope your summer travels are enjoyable, if not, painless.

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