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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Plant Bombed, Knob Turners& Disapointing Dishwashers

My weekend did not go as planned.  Although we had a lot of plans...most of which involved hanging out with friends and eating.  And drinking.  THAT all happened.  But getting to L's closet...not so much.

I did her laundry, which, was insurmountable at one point, and I'm now in the process of putting it on hangers and actually putting it away, as opposed to using my tried and true college method of tossing it all in the closet on the floor.

My In-Laws surprised us with two additional plants for the front of the house, and a caddy for the hose.  I'll have to figure out how to fix it up.  I think I have now filled my quota of plants out front.

The other thing that did not go as plan is our dishwasher broke.  I mean, I hear water flowing, I hear it going through all it's cycles, but it is not cleaning anything.  I thought at first it might have something to do with our water's heat, which mysteriously also stopped working.  I sent my husband in to look at the water heater, because

A. I don't know where the pilot light is on it, and
B. I was scared he was going to tell me we need a new one.

What seems to have happened is that SOMEONE (And I'm not naming names) likely turned that very appealing black knob at eye level (if you are about 33 inches tall) all the way to low.  It seems when I cleaned the utility closet, I opened up a hidden world behind the mess.  So, the heat is back on, which is great for our showers.  (I wasn't sure I was going to last through another one), but did not solve the dishwasher problem.

My father in law looked at it, and asked when the last time we cleaned the trap in the dishwasher, to which I replied, there is a trap?  Going to need to locate information about taking care of dishwashers. 

See?  This is the problem when you rent most of your adult life.  And move frequently.  You never learn how to take care of things like dishwashers.  In fact, I hadn't had a dishwasher in a rental ever.  My parents have a dishwasher, but I guess it never occurred to me that they might be cleaning it.  I mean, who cleans a thing meant to do cleaning?  Apparently EVERYONE BUT ME!  I'll get a handle of this housefrau lifestyle yet...

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